【More Updates from South Korea】

Since the outbreak of coronavirus in Korea, the churches had initially begun meetings in small groups at home. However, as confirmed cases are increasing and the government is leading the social distance, almost all churches are now meeting in a family unit, and in every church, the virtual meetings by ZOOM or other social media are held in groups of 2-3 families or in a small group. Lord’s Day and all weekday meetings are the same. The churches are eager to take this opportunity to have backslidden ones to be connected and to encourage one another to function in the meetings.

One of the reasons for the early increase in the number of confirmed cases was due to the Shincheonji(新天地) cult group. Their way of worship is that thousands of people sit together on the floor to have their own service. Almost all media have exposed the heretic features of Shincheonji and their evil way of social antipathy-arousing missionary activities, giving warnings to the people. This seems to have made people disagree with preaching the gospel on campuses or on the street. We need a lot of prayer and study to break through the preaching of the gospel in this situation.

Under the burden of the international co-workers, the coworkers in Korea had ZOOM meeting last weekend to share the burden. The fellowship concluded to encourage all the churches in Korea to read the encouraging letter from the co-workers at all meetings on the Lord’s Day, and we did with much encouragement and consolation. And we also arranged that on March 31st all the churches across the country divided their time by region and then by locality, leading the churches to have every two to three saints pray online for 15 minutes. And those prayer companions are encouraged to continue praying. The co-workers in Korea are praying that the Lord would develop the home-based vital group church life in this crisis. I pray that the Lord will deal with this pandemic situation and His recovery become more prevailing all over the globe.

The situation of the spread of the coronavirus in Korea can be checked through the below-linked website:
