【Prayer Burdens from Sri Lanka】

Peace and Joy to you, Brothers:
Because of the epidemic, the government of Sri Lanka announced starting on March 22, the school will be suspended for a month. 24-hour curfew is instituted, and all religious gatherings are banned. For this, we decided on the following changes after much fellowship:

1. Move the current responsible brother fellowship, trainings, and all of the church’s meetings, such as Lord’s table and small groups, into small groups of 4-8 online. And strengthen the corporate morning revival online. Last week, the Lord’s table attendance increased, no decrease.

2. The important matter at hand is how to train the responsible brothers to care about each saint and their homes individually via social media platforms. How to lead small groups online and teach the truth. We are using the Pattern of the Healthy Word, 96 lessons. One lesson a month, taking 4 weeks to finish one lesson. So far, we’ve gotten to Lesson 5. Learning how to teach the brothers to use 5 to 10 minutes, open the Bible, use one or two verses to teach one point in the outlines. We estimate that this will take five years to complete.

3. At the same time, use this method to contact seeking ones and open homes, so that we can reach the five-year, fifty churches goal.
So far there are many localities with new homes that are open to us. I truly feel that the Lord forces us to practice the God-ordained way thoroughly, thru the greater environment. Only then, will the church survive.

Please pray for this matter, thank you, brothers.
