【NEW YORK, NEW JERSEY: Praying in One Accord For a New and Ultimate Revival】

To the Dear Brothers and Sisters in Our Lord Jesus, Who Care and Are Interceding for the Saints in New York City and New Jersey:
All heart strings have been pulled by the recent pandemic of COVID-19. It has penetrated into every living space of the human race uninvited and attacked indiscriminately. As New York City and part of the State of New Jersey become the epicenter of USA, we have received messages from saints all over the world greeting us, caring for us, interceding for us, and even offer medical supplies to us. Due to the sheer volume, we cannot respond you one by one, but our hearts are comforted by your genuine care for us as suffering members of the Body of Christ, and we appreciate your continued prayers for us. As succinct as possible, we would like to share some encouraging words with you and let you know that we are all well, standing firm in the grace of our Lord, and lack nothing. We simply humble ourselves under the mighty hand of our God, live under the government of our God in the Spirit of Jesus, and testify that His word is the rock upon which we build His church, and we have the unshakable kingdom of God.

Here in New York, there is a group with one heart, one will in one accord kneeling and prayed in secret steadfastly for over 5 years, ushering in the Lord’s preparation in the Church in New York City for the last couple of years. Since some day of June, 2019, those who prayed have a feeling, that the Lord Jesus is about to shake man’s hearts, shake the world, shake everywhere- especially the less than 40-years-old young adult Christians who had been occupied by the world here in America, to wake all the Christians who are willing to be a witness for the Lord, awaken all the believers across the globe to not love the world, do not waste away by Satan’s “mirage” of a comfortable life kind of “numbing battle strategy”, to not gain the world but forfeit their soul life. Pray that God’s children would not be limited, and even more so, not be a part of what the great image in Daniel chapter 2 represents. That whey would be recovered for the Lord to be salt, to be light, to shine the word of life out, to accomplish God’s will: that He can be the head in all things towards His Church, that the Church truly became His Body and Bride, to prepare for the end of this age, to turn and usher in the kingdom age. After praying several times, they felt that this burden is from the Lord, thus they “love not their soul-life even unto death”, start to pray in one accord for this; especially prayed for the Church in New York City and the churches in New Jersey to be prepared, that they can have a new and ultimate revival. Thus, we in the Lord, firmly believe that behind all these struggles and battles, the Christian life under God’s administration is as Peter’s Epistles has revealed to us, is to prepare us for the salvation of our soul.

The Revelation of God’s New Testament economy as revealed in the New Testament Bible is worthy of being accepted completely and for us to strive for. For many years, we’ve received the teachings of these servants of God and the words they testify, how could we enjoy and teach these words on one hand, but on the other hand, continue to live in the vain manner of life that our ancestors have passed to us, and follow the tide of this age? We hope that every brother and sister who prays for us, to not worry for us, we lack nothing. But we need to hold our head high, prepare ourselves to testify for the Lord, because the day of our redemption draws near. May your intercession for us, is not merely for our peace or material needs, but for “His name be sanctified, His kingdom come; His will be done, as in heaven, so also on earth.” “For our momentary lightness of affliction works out for us, more and more surpassingly, an eternal weight of glory,” (2 Cor. 4:17). “But the God of all grace, He who has called you into His eternal glory in Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a little while, will Himself perfect, establish, strengthen, and ground you. To Him be the glory and the might forever and ever. Amen.” (1 Pet. 5:10-11).
