【Testimony from Wuhan — A Light in Darkness, and a Joy in Sorrow】

Seeing my husband maintaining a low fever for days, a cough that does not stop despite taking medication, and then hearing the new pneumonia spreading all over, in a deluge. Anxiety and terror slowly corroded my heart, that every thought and every idea in my head is it, to the point that I cannot rest, cannot enjoy the taste of food. Yet my husband acts like it was okay, he never got stir-crazy. He said to me one day, “Can one out of your ten sentences, not be about the virus?” It is only then I realized with a shock, that I myself have been infected with the virus of fear.

When I opened WeChat the next morning, I saw the greetings of elderly saints from thousands of miles away, “We have been fasting and praying for you.” I teared up at that, the full supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ reinvigorated me thru the support of the Body, the absolute love drove out fear, joy wells out of my heart, and my whole person was submerged in peace. The Lord’s word flows more as the tides, let me experience grace upon grace. That time, I often lead the children sing: “I am safe, I am safe, I am safe within the Lord.” (Chinese Children’s hymn #314). “A thousand will fall at Your side, And ten thousand at Your right hand; But it will not come near to You.” (Psa. 91:7)

A week later, my husband recovered. In the Body, we are not lonely; there is the Lord with us, so what is there to fear? The Lord’s promise is like a light in darkness, like a rod and a staff, leading me out of the valley of the shadow of death.

Because the saints cannot meet face-to-face, the church made the announcement, “Gather in twos and threes, and build a life of prayer together, raise up your holy and reverent hands, pray at all times, that this epidemic would end.” I immediately contacted a sister, and we scheduled a time. In prayer, our feelings and directions were in one accord; we did not ask for the environment to be removed, only asking for more sufficient grace; not ask for the difficulties to end, just asking may God’s will be done. The Lord reminds us from within, “What about our spiritual children? Is everyone okay and safe, are they all anxious?” Thus, there was encouragement for everyone to gather into teams, to have prayer and morning revival thru the ZOOM.

There was a brother who felt ill, and was tense and terrified day in and day out, his family members all do not know what to do, there was no way to comfort him. But thru our petition, he soon calmed down, and during check-up, was confirmed to be negative for the virus. Afterward, he sang praises and hymns all day, his family members were all deeply touched. This is how we became a great army, that the adversary must flee in terror; becoming a high fortress, that this city is filled with peace. That time, the sick were healed, those who lost heart were comforted, those who were lukewarm were recovered, those who had backslide were recovered. Thus, praises replaced disappointment, joy swallowed up sorrow, weaknesses became strength, depressions become ascended. Teams by teams gathered in group chats, singing hymns, praying, praising our God; house by house was united, composing a sweet harmonious time for God’s family!

Source: https://www.facebook.com/churchnews/posts/2997744610247433