【The Church’s Prayer Meeting Has Been Strengthened】

Due to the exponential progress getting worse in North America, many regions start to take more and more active precautions to stop the spread of the virus, issuing stay at home orders. So, the church must change from meeting face-to-face into using all sorts of social media platforms to meet online, so that the brothers and sisters can communicate with each other even more tightly.

There is a true battle here. So there is a need for prayer on this battle; there needs to be people to pray and fight this spiritual warfare. The entire church must pray before the Lord. Satan, the adversary, fears this aspect of the church most, the prayer of the church. The church life is a life of prayer. For this, we worship the Lord, declare on this matter, our hearts stood one with the Lord. May the Lord touch us on this matter over everything else.

On the Matters of Prayer, We have a Couple of Testimonies, listed below:

1. The Church in Dunn Loring, Virginia, USA
This week’s prayer meeting of the Church in Dunn Loring, Virginia, meets in small groups, using all sorts of different technologies, with ZOOM, WeChat, and KaoKao Talk (by South Korea) apps. Prayer meeting attendance is 2.5 times more than before.
2. The Church in Franklin, New Jersey, USA
One prayer meeting, the small group prayer meeting attendance increased from 10 to 15.
3. The Church in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
The attendance to Tuesday evening prayer meeting, is 111.
4. The Church in Ontario, California, USA
One English Group’s prayer meeting’s regular attendance went from 9 to 10 to 15.
5. A Church in northern California

Using Zoom for the first time in last Tuesday’s prayer meeting. Did not expect so many saints to come on, when there was only a little over twenty who would regularly attend the prayer meeting. This time there’s over 45 people, the number doubled! Goes to show that God moves in the saint’s circumstances, and all desire fellowship in the spirit. All thirst for a portion of the ministry in the church’s prayer. Modern technology now connects the saints together, living the practical church life in spirit and truthfulness. Praise the Lord!

Just as Brother Chen has fellowshipped, “According to John 4:21, the place that the New Testament believers gather at and worship is not a material place, but the corporate spirit, which is God’s true dwelling place. In these times, I pray that there will be more people who pick up the burden to communicate with the weak and dormant members, letting them reconnect with the Body.”

John 4:21 Jesus said to her, Woman, believe Me, an hour is coming when neither in this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship the Father.

Eph. 6:17-18 And receive the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which Spirit is the word of God, by means of all prayer and petition, praying at every time in spirit and watching unto this in all perseverance and petition concerning all the saints.