
禱告事項 Prayer Items:

1. 護衛並保守所有弟兄姊妹,免去疫情的傷害。願弟兄姊妹的靈與魂與身子平安及健壯。
1. Guard and preserve all the brothers and sisters that they may not be harmed by the pandemic disease. May their spirit,
soul and body be at peace and strengthened.

2. 祝福召會以活力排兩三位調在一起的召會生活模式,操練過神人的生活,彼此牧養和顧惜。召會生活 連接的更緊密。
2. Bless the church to have the vital group church life in groups of two or three and practice living the God-man living, shepherding and cherishing one another so that the saints can stay more connected in the church life.

3. 願弟兄姊妹贖回光陰;追求主話,裝備真理並供應生命。並且除去一切罪污與世俗,停止所有消極的 思想和傳佈,成為流露基督供應生命的管道。
3. May the brother and sister redeem their time; pursue the Lord’s Word, be constituted with the truth and supply life. May
the saints be cleansed from all sins, iniquities and worldliness, stop all negative thoughts and spreading of rumours,
and become the channels that flow out Christ and supply life.

4. 為世人禱告;在這個艱難的時期,世人能轉向這位又活又真的神,接受救恩,靠主得救。
4. Pray for all mankind that in this difficult time, they will turn to the true and living God, receive His salvation and be saved.

5. 求神縮短疫情的時日,求神賜下悔改與信心。願神的名得着高舉。願神的旨意得着成就。
5. Pray that God would shorten the days of the pandemic. May God grant repentance and faith to all. May His name be exalted, and His will be done.

6. 為着本週末(三月 27-29 日)的國際長老及負責弟兄訓練禱告。此次的訓練以無人群聚現場直播的方 式釋放話語。願神的說話不受攔阻,剛強並得勝的釋放出來,願神向着祂的恢復說應時的話,引導眾 召會繼續往前。
6. Pray for the International Training for Elders and Responsible Ones on this weekend (27-29 March). The ministry of the word in this training will be done via live webcast without the audience. May the speaking of God be not hindered but released strongly and victoriously. May God speak timely words to His recovery and lead all the churches to move on.