Lord’s Move in Ghana —Distributing Ministry Books 主在迦纳的行動—分發職事書報

The Ghana Gospel Bookroom has distributed approximately 150,000 books in Accra, Cape Coast, Takoradi, Ho, and Kumasi.

From February, the Ghana Gospel Bookroom plans to distribute 155,000 ministry books to all parts of the country, with the purpose of spreading the truth, raising the church, and setting up golden lampstands.

Ghana has 16 regions and 216 cities. Among them, Cape Coast, Takwa, Takoradi and other cities have not yet had golden lamstands. The Ghana Gospel Bookroom has distributed approximately 150,000 books in Accra, Cape Coast, Takoradi, Ho, and Kumasi. The word of the Lord is working, and His ministry is spreading.
