A Testimony of Faith for Brother Paul Wu 信心的見證—吳弟兄

【A Testimony of Faith for Brother Paul Wu by Leandro Catindig

It is with sadness and humbleness that we share this testimony of faithfulness concerning our dear Bro. Paul Wu.

In every generation, God raises up gifted ones to care for His church; to take the walk of faith, and choose the path of sacrifice for the continuation of the Lord’s testimony on the earth. Regarding this, we speak in faithfulness how our dear Bro. Paul Wu stood well among those who had set before us the pattern of steadfastness and spiritual leadership in serving the Body of Christ.

In the Philippines today, it is through the ministry of the age that the Lord has raised up hundreds of churches who would continue faithfully to take the way of the Lord’s recovery. At its early stage, it was Bro. Witness Lee himself who labored and cared for the young churches. But for its continuation, he asked his faithful coworkers to carry on with the shepherding work until the churches could stand proper and useful before the Lord. Our Bro.Paul Wu stood out among such faithful ones to answer the call and receive such burden, serving faithfully to the end.

We are thankful to the Lord that our Bro. Paul Wu, together with the other able coworkers of Witness Lee, rose up and carried on with this endeavor, particularly concerning:
1. The ministry of the Word for the growth and increase of the churches through the carrying out of the God-ordained way,
2. The perfecting of the saints unto the work of the ministry for the building up of the universal Body of Christ,
3. The support and upliftment of the Full-time Training to prepare and perfect the next generation for the Lord’s move and interest,
4. The service and coordination among the churches concerning the Lord’s move to Asia, and even in the challenging environment of the Middle East.

His spiritual leadership and steadfastness is a bulwark pattern for us all to keep the faith in the pre-eminent Christ, to carry on the work of the Lord’s recovery in the Body and with the Body, and to accomplish the building work of God for His eternal habitation.

Finally, we thank the Lord for giving us such a brother, Paul Wu, as a genuine gift to the Body of Christ. Above all, we give glory to the Lord who has caused all things and for Whom are all things.

For and on behalf of the churches in the Philippines.
