德国相调访问分享—慕尼黑 Visiting and Blending in Germany — Munich

Visiting and Blending in Germany — Munich 

Blending Is the Greatest Factor for the Growth of the Church!

Munich is an industrial world city, the third largest in Germany, a very high standard state capital. Many high-tech companies are headquartered here, attracting many young people to work here.

The local church started their first Lord’s table meeting in October 2018. They have two districts now, meeting together once a month. Attendance is well over fifty. The surrounding areas have saints, but no church. Approximately twenty attend the prayer meeting, there are thirty who signs the prayer list. So far, the number in the church life, the saints and gospel friends make up a total of seventy. Student corporate living has been established, with six brothers and four sisters.

The saints, the full timers, diligently practiced home meetings. A couple from America emigrated here, they are full-timers who had served in Austin campus work for seven years. He said, “I have ten campus home meetings every week, most of them are at noon. Two home meetings per day on average.”

The target demographic for the home meetings are mostly all young Germans, they are already Christians with a seeking heart when we meet them. They are studying in the few excellent universities of Munich. Good in disposition, great in character. Always bring their Bibles and notebooks to study. Share what they enjoy when they met others, take notes, ask questions, very attentively. After enjoying the hymns, some even took a photo of the song in order to go back and sing more.

A working saint said that they’ve learned a lot in the church life! For the new ones, we are their friends first, not serving ones! The love is overflowing! We ate together! Travel and blend together. Sometimes fellowshipped until late night! Then slept in the same room! The multiplication of the church life is the fruit of this living!

This Saturday (2/29) a new lampstand will be established in Zagreb, Croatia, with their first Lord’s table meeting. Twenty-two local saints will be attending, fourteen are students. They’ve already visited over twelve countries; these young people are rich in the consciousness of the Body of Christ! Blending has been listed as the greatest factor for the growth of the church.

By Shun-Qin Ke
