【Orlando, FL—Gospel Trip, Report 3】【宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡、西弗吉尼亚州摩根敦—福音之旅 | 报导4】

Pittsburgh, PA/ Morgantown, WV—Gospel Trip, Report 4

January 31

Today was our last day of distribution at both Carnegie Mellon University and University of Pittsburgh.


  • Tracts: 825
  • Bibles: 47
  • Contacted: 52

In the evening, we held two Bible studies, one on each campus, with one new one at each Bible study.

February 1

Today, we held our Bible seminars on both the Carnegie Mellon and University of Pittsburgh campuses. These Bible seminars were the main events we all had been working toward. Three new ones attended the Carnegie Mellon seminar and two new ones attended the Pitt seminar.

In the afternoon, we went on a tour of a famous Television/Radio studio in Pittsburgh. A brother here in Pittsburgh arranged the tour after our Bible seminars. At the end, we gave the Director of Engineering (also our tour guide) and a local radio show host, who joined us briefly, each a free Bible and the Basic Elements of the Christian Life. In the evening, we all had dinner together at a local family’s home.

Prayer Burdens:

  • Pray for the health of the team as more and more trainees and local saints are feeling ill.
  • Pray that for our fruit bearing and that they would be remaining fruit.

Pittsburgh 2020 (4).jpeg

Pittsburgh 2020 (5).jpeg

Source: https://www.gtca.us/mid-atlantic/pittsburgh/2020/02/04/pittsburgh-pa-morgantown-wv-gospel-trip-report-3.html