【Brother Joe Lim has gone to be with the Lord】【Joe Lim弟兄被主接去】

With a mixed sense of loss and gratitude to the Lord, we inform you all that our dear Brother Joe Lim has gone to be with the Lord today to join the great cloud of witnesses surrounding us (Heb. 12:1). 

We praise the Lord for His work in and through our brother in his lifetime, choosing him to be His witness in resurrection unto the end. To commemorate the Lord’s grace and mercies in him, the family would like to hold three successive gospel/memorial meetings every evening during the wake, and since Brother Joe spent most of his time serving in the Work, we would like to request the brothers in the Work to take charge of the arrangements for the meetings. If it were possible, English-Chinese for some meetings would be most appropriate. For the three successive evening meetings under the arrangement of the Work starting on January 25, 2020, we suggest for one night each to be in coordination with the churches in Malabon and Taguig where he served directly, and one night for the co-workers who he labored together with.

Thank you,

Lim Family