Brief Introduction of the Church in London, Ontario, Canada 加拿大安大略省伦敦市召会简介

London, ONT

Saints began meeting in London, Ontario, Canada in 1968, when a couple from Singapore came so that the brother could continue to study medicine at the university here. By 1974, the number had grown and the church bought its first meeting hall. By 1984, the number continued to grow and the church built a new meeting hall and added a major expansion to it in 1994.

There are about 140 saints who currently meet with the church, with an average Lord’s Table attendance of about 100 saints. In addition to the Lord’s Table meeting, we have a sharing meeting Lord’s Day morning, a prayer meeting Tuesday evening, a young people’s meeting Thursday evening, a college/young adult meeting Friday evening, a meeting for families with children also Friday evening, a prophesying meeting Saturday evening, and various home meetings throughout the week.

The demographic makeup of the church has become mainly Spanish-speaking saints, with a few families of English-speaking saints and a few families of Chinese-speaking saints. The meetings are mainly in English, with live translation to/from Spanish.

The City of London
London is a city in southwestern Ontario along the Quebec City–Windsor Corridor. It is approximately 120 miles from both Toronto, Ontario and Detroit, MI, and about 140 miles from Buffalo, NY. London has grown to be the largest Southwestern Ontario municipality and Canada’s 11th largest metropolitan area.

London is a regional center of health care and education, being home to the University of Western Ontario, Fanshawe College, and several hospitals. The city hosts a number of musical and artistic exhibits and festivals, which contribute to its tourism industry, but its economic activity is centered on education, medical research, insurance, and information technology. London’s university and hospitals are among its top ten employers.

Since the economic crisis of 2009, which gutted many of London’s manufacturing jobs, the city has transitioned to become a technology hub with a focus on the Digital Creative sector. As of 2016, London is home to 300 technology companies that employ 3% of the city’s labor force. Many of these companies have moved into former factories and industrial spaces in and around the downtown core, and have renovated them as modern offices. The city of London has a population of about 400,000, but the city lacks significant industry and business development. The city is surrounded by farmland and small communities. City-Data Profile and Official City Website.

City Stats
Population – 383,825

Target Campus
Western University – 30,522 students
Fanshawe College – 21,000 students

Contact Person
Ron Brubacher
(519) 851-0891
