Conferences and Blendings in the Church Life 召会生活的特会及相调

Praise the Lord for the blending in the Body this past weekend!

18-20 October 2019 – FAC Phillipines, the Fellowship Among the Churches. 
Topic: The goal of the Lord’s Recovery is to bring forth the One New Man. The Fellowship among the churches was attended with over 2,515 saints around Regions 1-6 including NCR. It was a strengthening and supplying meeting. May all the saints continually live out Christ and take Christ as our life and person for the bringing forth the One New Man. #fac2019 #onenewman

18-20 October 2019 – International Blending Conference in Baarlo, The Netherlands. 
Topic: God’s Eternal Purpose and the Divine Economy Consummated by the Overcomers in the Recovered Church. #LordsMove #Europe#blending

18-20 October 2019 – Ghana College Conference. 
Topic: The greatest prophecy in the bible and its fulfillment.
