【平安的路上 | “幸福人生”系列】【The Way of Peace | “Happy Life” Series】 已发表 2019-10-20 Source: https://youtu.be/5SR_P_v1xjI
已发表 2020-07-25 A Bruised Reed and Smoking Flax // Solid Ground Summer Series // CSOC TX Title: “A Bruise […]
已发表 2019-01-04 Young People Singing Hymns” Create in Me a Clean Heart, O God” of the Church in Indonesia 印尼召会青年人唱诗歌“哦神,为我造清洁心” Source: https://www.fa […]
已发表 2018-01-05 The Church in New York City’ Year-end Thanksgiving Blending Meeting 纽约市召会年终感恩相调特会 The Church in New York […]