2019 First Church Blending Meeting with New Ones in Siem Reap, Cambodia 二〇一九年柬埔寨暹粒召会首次新人相调聚会

2019 First Church Blending Meeting with New Ones

On October 6th, Lord’s Day morning, the first church blending meeting with new ones was held in Toul Serey Village, Siem Reap. After the LTM, the invited 34 new ones and the gospel friends came in the rain. They are contacted and nourished regularly within two months, and they are now able to attend the Lord’s Day meeting weekly. There are 101 participants, including Chinese saints, Cambodian saints, gospel friends, and 12 children.

In the morning, although it was raining and blowing hard, the atmosphere of the meeting was very high. Through singing hymns, the spirits of brothers and sisters were fanned into flame, and then they rose up to share hymns and testimony. During the meeting, a responsible local brother released the message – God’s economy. After the meeting, everyone had a deeper blending by enjoying the rich love feast.

The following are the testimony and sharing of some new believers:
1. I like the hymns very much. Hymns are different from pop songs. When I was singing, it makes me feel peace. — Brother Kakada
2. I am very happy after being baptized, and I think the meeting is crucial. Just like a mobile phone needs to be recharged, Christians also need to gather together and be full of spiritual electricity. — Brother Vanda Fc
3. This is the first time that I participate in the meeting. Before I came here, I was a little bit worry and fear, but in the meeting, I found everyone is very close, just as we have known each other for a long time. —Sister Ni Ton
4. I’m deeply touched by calling on the name of the Lord. When I am in fear, I call on His name. Then the fear will be gone, and I will be filled with joy and peace immediately. —Sister Mao Yoklin
5. Finally, five college students testified that it’s great for them to singing hymns, reading Lord’s words, and learning Chinese together!

Notably, there are three families in the meeting who are the fruits of the gospel propagation of the saints. Hallelujah!

In the end, the brother also announced a piece of good news: “Yesterday, the church in Siem Reap bought a piece of land to build up a meeting hall. We paid a deposit of $1,000 now and must pay the rest before the end of this year. ” The brother said that we signed the contract on behalf of the Lord, and the Lord never go back on His words. We are working in the Body and in faith.

Thank the Lord! The Energizing Triune God is working in the church in Siem Reap, Cambodia. May the Lord, through the service and coordination of brothers and sisters, gain more local saints and local families who can turn to God from idols and grow up in life unto maturity to be formed into an army for God’s interest on earth.



10月6日,在暹粒的toul serey village举行了首次新人相调聚会。在擘饼聚会后,受邀的新人与福音朋友冒雨赶来。与会者包括华语圣徒、柬语圣徒与福音朋友,还有12个儿童,共101人。


1、我很喜欢主内的诗歌,诗歌不同于流行歌曲,每每唱起,都会让我感觉安息。——Kakada 弟兄
2、我受浸后很喜乐,并且我认为聚会很重要,就像手机需要充电一样,基督徒也需要常常聚会好充满属灵的电。——Vanda Fc 弟兄
3、我第一次参加相调聚会,来之前,有些担心害怕,见了面却发现大家很亲近,像是认识很久一样。——Ni Ton 姊妹
4、我对呼求主名很有感觉,当我觉得恐惧的时候,一呼求主名,恐惧就没有了,反而很喜乐,很享受。——Mao Yoklin 姊妹

