Saints Blending Meeting of the Church in India 印度召会圣徒相调聚会 已发表 2019-10-03 Source:
已发表 2017-09-05 刘遂「神奇而平常的主耶稣和祂的信徒」 「Marvelous and Normal Jesus and His Believers」 Spoken by Liu Suey 【 劉遂「神奇而平常的主耶穌和祂的信徒」】2 […]
已发表 2019-02-02 二〇一九年高屏澎大专期末特会(第一梯次)神的经营(召会通讯第188期)2019 College Conference for the Students from Kaohsiung, Pingtung, Penghu at the End of Semester (The First Batch) | ChurchNews Issue No.188 来源:Khcu召會 https://yout […]