Prayer Burdens from a Serving Couple in Milan, Italy 意大利米兰一对服事的夫妇的祷告负担

Prayer burdens from a serving couple in Milan, Italy on August 19, 2019 : 

1.  Two college age YP from Milan are beginning their first terms in the FTTL and the FTTT. One more from Napoli is beginning his third term in the  FTTL. Please pray for them.
2. Please pray to pave the way for more YP from Italy to attend the full time trainings.
3.  Please pray for the Crystallization- Study of Number (2) video training in Italy on August 23-25 and August 30 -September 1, 2019. 
4. Please pray for all the saints to open their homes to have home meetings or group meetings. 
5. Please pray for raising up new golden lampstands in Italy.