North American College Training Day 3 Report 北美大专训练第三天报导


Praise the Lord for the third day of the 2019 North America College Training! The remnants of Hurricane Barry missed Champaign, bringing us clear skies. The intercessory prayers of the saints have been effective and appreciated, and we encourage the saints to keep praying for the weather — an excessive heat warning has been issued from Thursday to Lord’s Day.

One of the special fellowships given this morning was on the topic of faith. The brothers spoke that although we cannot convince people intellectually or logically about God and the Bible, we can with our testimony. If we really know the Lord and have touched Him, nobody can convince us that the Bible is not the Word of God, and nobody can shake our faith. There are many questions the Bible doesn’t answer, but it answers all the things we need to know. The Bible is a book of life! A main burden during this training is that the students would love to read the Bible in their daily lives.

In the third evening session, The Blessings of the Jubilee, the students were brought further into the experience of the jubilee. God’s central thought is that we would be recovered to God as our portion and enjoyment. Although Paul suffered many things and was even chained in prison, his testimony is one of enjoying the jubilee Jesus. Regardless of what may be happening in our outward circumstances and environments, God wants us to return to Him as our possession. Many students responded deeply to the speaking, crying out to be recovered to their full enjoyment of Christ.

Saints, please pray that every trainee would:

  • Have this college training as a landmark in their lives
  • Diligently memorize verses so that the word of Christ would dwell in them richly
  • Be protected and kept in spirit during the upcoming heatwave, with no disruption to the schedule or facilities
