North American College Training Day 1 Report 北美大专训练第一天报导

NACT Day 1 Report

On Lord’s Day, we began the highly anticipated 2019 North America College Training!  With a total of 1,900 students in attendance, 285 college campuses and 41 countries represented, we are full of hope concerning what the Lord will do this week. May the Lord richly bless this training! 

In the first message, the speaking brother opened with a burden that all the college students would be brought into the realization and experience of the jubilee to the fullest extent. In Hebrew, the word jubilee means rest, enjoyment, and shouting. Our entire Christian life should be an experience of this jubilee – which is Christ as our full rest and satisfaction. At the end of the time, he charged everyone to start the week by consecrating themselves to the Lord afresh, so that they all could be brought into the fullest enjoyment of God as their jubilee. 

As Satan is eager to frustrate the Lord’s moving in the college students at this time, and distract from their enjoyment of Christ, please continue to cover the students in prayer this week.  Pray that each college student would:

  1. Separate themselves to the Lord this week by offering a fresh consecration
  2. Receive the adequate rest to fully participate in this week’s training activities 
  3. Fight to remain in the enjoyment of Christ 
