以琳—耶路撒冷美地展览馆 Elim – Kokia House Visitors Center, Jerusalem

“And they came to Elim, where there were twelve springs of water and seventy palm trees; and they encamped there by the waters.” (Exodus 15:27)

Elim (Hebrew: אֵילִם), according to the Hebrew Bible, was the second stop where the Israelites camped following their Exodus from Egypt. The exact location of Elim is unsure. It is generally thought to have been located in Wadi Gharandel, an oasis 100 km southeast of Suez.

The numbers twelve and seventy, when used together, signify that God’s people are to carry out His ministry by the flowing life signified by the twelve springs and the growing life signified by the seventy palm trees.

「他们到了以琳,在那里有十二股水泉,七十棵棕树;他们就在那里的水边安营。 」(出埃及记十五27)

以琳(Elim, 意为大能者,刚强者,大树)是以色列人出埃及过红海之后安营的第二站。 照圣经出埃及记的路线描述,以琳位于西乃半岛的西部,面向苏彝士湾。 更确实的位置至今未能肯定。

以琳的十二股水泉表征神作为活水,涌流到祂所拣选的人里面,好完成祂永远的行政;七十棵棕树表征神作为生命,在祂的子民里面生长,彰显神圣生命的丰富及其得胜。 十二和七十这两个数字并用时,表征神的子民乃是借着十二股水泉所表征涌流的生命,和七十棵棕树所表征生长的生命,完成祂的职事。 (出二四1,4,路九1,十1。 )

Source: https://www.facebook.com/kokiahouse/posts/2290790731175421