Saints Singing Hymns in the church of TX, America 美国德克萨斯州召会圣徒唱诗歌 已发表 2019-05-10 Source:
已发表 2017-06-18 儿童福音,坚定持续 | 台北市召会 Continuing Steadfastly in Preaching the Gospel to the Children | The Church in Taipei City 兒童福音,堅定持續 八會所是社區型的會所,兒 […]
已发表 2017-09-15 【德国开展】圣徒蒙恩见证 | 台中市召会 Saints Testimony concenring the Propagation in Germany | The Church in Taichung City 圣徒蒙恩见证 这一次来德国杜赛朵夫教会配搭, […]
已发表 2018-10-25 Four Young People’s Baptism during the International Blending Conference in Baarlo, Netherlands 荷兰巴尔洛国际相调特会期间四位青年人的受浸 Source: https://www.fa […]
已发表 2018-03-28 大专特会与政大福音节期蒙恩见证 | 台北市召会二十七会所 Testimonies during College Conference and Gospel Feast for the Students in National Chengchi University | Hall 27 of the Church in Taipei City 2018.3.25大專特會與政大福音節期蒙恩 […]