主在亚洲的行动祷告负担(二〇一九年三月18日至三月24日) Lord’s Move to Asia Prayer Burdens (2019.3.18– 2019.3.24)

Prayer Burdens – Week 3 of March

Prayer Burdens:

1. Pray for the training for new ones held twice a month, so that the new ones will be perfected to become pillars in the church life.
2. Pray for a perfecting training for couples and young working saints’ blending on 3/23, so that the Lord will gain the couples to be in one accord and serve as complete units in the church life.

Sri Lanka
1. Pray for the propagation in Colombo from 3/4-5/20 to raise up the fourth district meeting, gain 10 campus students in Japura (University of Sri Jayewardenepura) and establish the church in Biyagama through the coordination of 7 full-timers from Taiwan
2. Pray for the regional blending conferences on 3/20 in Vavuniya, Kandy, Colombo that all the saints will be blended into one Body.

Pray for the FTTY 27th term and the 80 trainees.

祷告事项: 三月第三周

1. 为一个月两次的初信者训练,使新人得成全,在召会生活中成为柱子代祷。
2. 为3/23的夫妇训练和青职圣徒相调,主能得着夫妇同心合意,在召会生活中作完整的单位而事奉代祷。

1. 为3/4-5/20七位台湾全时间者在科伦坡配搭开展,兴起第四区,在Sri Jayewardenepura大学得着10位大学生,并建立Biyagama召会代祷。
2. 为3/20在瓦武尼亚、康堤、科伦坡举行的区域集调特会,所有圣徒都被调进一个身体代祷。


Source: http://lmasia.org/prayer-burden-weekly-pursuits/