An Update concerning Migrating to Baku, Azerbaijan 关于阿塞拜疆巴库移民的更新报导

Baku update

Dear Fellow Soldiers:

After the International Chinese Speaking Conference in Taipei in February 2018, we received a burden from the Lord and through fellowship migrated to Baku, Azerbaijan in September 2018. Azerbaijan is one of 12 countries in the region who do not have the Testimony of the Lord’s Recovery

We came by accepting a part time teaching position at a small university. Azerbaijan is a safe and secure, Western looking, moderate Muslim nation. There is a modest Christian presence in this country. Now four gates have been opened here: The Campus, the Bible Society, the Bookstore and our homes. Much and thorough prayer is required however, for the sweeping Spirit to bring to us the lost coins, the materials for the building up of His house.

At the university they have asked us to help recruit English speaking professors/teachers from all subject areas, for a semester or two, or longer, for the coming fall semester. Retired saints with teaching experience are especially welcome. The work load is not too difficult, maybe 3-4 hours a day. The pay is low but it is sufficient to live here. At this link you can view a brief report.…/muslim-majority-azerbaijan-opens-its-…

Our brother Lee had this to say about migration:


To migrate, to move, is a divine principle that we have only recently found in the Bible. The divine policy is for man to always move on… According to six thousand years of history, it has fully been proved that the more man moves, the more blessing he receives. God blesses the move of people on this earth.

If we remain in one place, we will lose the blessing, but if we move, we will receive it… The more we migrate, the more blessing we have… When we look into church history, we feel shameful in comparison with the apostle Paul. Two thousand years ago transportation was poor, but he traveled very much. Today we have jet travel, but we move less than he did.

This is a shame. About one hundred thirty years ago, American missionaries went to North China. They took six months to sail there by boat, and a number died due to sickness at sea. Today, however, to go to the Far East only takes fifteen hours. To travel a long distance by ox cart, going thirty miles each day, used to take many weeks, but to travel a long distance today takes only a few hours. We all need to move…

Today is a day of moving. We should not expect to remain in one place. Even after migrating, we should not become settled…

Los Angeles, California, September 8, 1971

Please send any inquires to Brother Samuel Liu who will forward them along to us and we will contact you for fellowship and prayer.

Samuel Liu