Help Needed from the Churches to Promote and Support the North America College Training 需要召会的帮助促进和支持北美大专训练

Help Needed from the Churches to Promote and Support the North America College Training

Dear brothers,

We would like to inform you of some important details regarding the North America College Training and convey how the churches can help promote and support this training. Praise the Lord for the opportunity our college students will have this summer to gain Him during the North America College Training. May the Lord use this training to cause our college students to love our Lord Jesus Christ more fervently! This year the topic will be on the Jubilee, and we pray that all who attend will truly experience a time of release and refreshment in the enjoyment of the Lord!

Registration Information:
Early registration: January 1 – April 15
Late registration: April 16 – May 15
Cost: $395 for early registration; $425 for late registration
Registration includes: meals, dormitory rooms, linens, towels, ministry material and outlines. It does NOT include any travel.
FAQ: Many questions can be answered by reading the frequently asked questions (FAQ’s) on the event website.
Training Details:
Dates: July 14 – 20, 2019
Location: University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign.
A short history
Four years ago, in 2015, this event was called the National College Training. It was held at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign. There were 1800 attendees and many students and serving ones were strengthened in their consecration to the Lord and made life-changing decisions. For example, after the 2015 training there was a very noticeable increase in the number of applications to the FTTA.

How can I participate?
This year we have a maximum capacity of 2800. We are anticipating 2100 students, and 700 serving ones. In order to reach this goal, we need the help of all the churches in the following ways:

1. Announce
Please announce weekly that registration is open and remind the students and serving ones that space is limited, especially since a good number are also coming from overseas. In the announcement please stress the following dates and points:
Early registration is from January 1 – April 15, and the cost is $395.
Late registration is from April 16 – May 15, and the cost is $425.
2. Fellowship and encourage
Please fellowship with the leading ones and serving ones in your locality and/or area to consider how to encourage both the students and serving ones to sign up as soon as possible. Many areas are making a list of all the college students and serving ones in their area to make certain no one is overlooked.

3. High school seniors
Please especially consider the current high school seniors who will be college freshmen in the fall of this year. For many incoming freshmen, this training has had a very positive impact because it laid a foundation for all their college years.

4. Promote
Encourage the students and serving ones to view the promotional video available on the registration website –

Please pray prevailing prayers often. In 2015 the prayer of the churches had a very significant impact on the positive outcome of the National College Training. Please pray for:
The logistics and practical coordination
The number of attendees to reach 2800
The burden of this training, the Jubilee, to be fully released
This training to have a major impact on the Lord’s move on the campuses in both the USA and in the many other countries which are sending representatives.
Finally, there is a large increase in operating costs as compared to 2015 because of the increase in capacity from 1800 to 2800 attendees. Therefore, it is possible that this training could finish with a deficit financially. For this reason, we have set up a donation website for any saints or churches who desire before the Lord to donate to help defray the operating costs of the North America College Training.
The website for donations is:
You may also just click on the “Donate” tab on the home page.
If you desire to make a gift in some other way such as wire transfer or by check, please write to: for assistance.
On behalf the brothers coordinating for the North America College Training,

Mark Raabe, Tym Seay, and Ken Mooney

Copyright © 2019 Summer College Training, All rights reserved.
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