主在亚洲的行动祷告负担(二〇一九年三月11日至三月17日) Lord’s Move to Asia Prayer Burdens (2019.3.11– 2019.3.17)

Prayer Burdens – Week 2 of March

Prayer Burdens:

Pray for the trainees and the trainers of the Nazarite training.

1. Pray for the serving ones meeting in Dhaka from 3/9-3/11 and in Khulna from 3/14-3/16.
2. Pray for the continuing of the practice the new way that more local families and seeking ones can grow in life through regular shepherding and be raised up.

1. Pray for the saints to participate in the prayer and service fellowship meetings and may all the saints receive the burden to come to the meetings and practice the organic shepherding in the church life for the building up of the Body of Christ.
2. Pray for all the serving ones that the Lord may grant them sufficient grace in their occupations, living, service and health; may His lovers show strength and take action in one accord.

祷告事项: 三月第二周


1. 为持续持行神命定之路,使更多家和寻求者藉固定牧养而在生命里长大并被兴起代祷。
2. 为3/9-3/11在达喀尔和3/14-3/16在库尔纳举行的服事者聚会代祷。

1. 为圣徒参加祷告与事奉交通聚会代祷,求主使所有圣徒接受负担参加聚会,并在召会生活中实行生机的牧养,以建造基督的身体。
2. 为主在所有服事者的职业、生活、服事和健康上赐够用的恩典代祷;愿爱祂的人在同心合意里刚强行事。

Source: http://lmasia.org/prayer-burden-weekly-pursuits/