主在亚洲的行动祷告负担(二〇一九年三月4日至三月10日) Lord’s Move to Asia Prayer Burdens (2019.3.4– 2019.3.10)

Prayer Burdens – Week 1 of March

Prayer Burdens:

1. Pray for the full-timers serving in translation to come together with one accord and be filled with the spirit of wisdom and revelation for the translating work.
2. Pray for the saints to pick up the burden to shepherd the new ones, so that the new ones can grow up through proper shepherding and be brought into the church life.

1. Pray for the sisters’ training from 3/8-3/9.
2. Pray for the practice of the new way in the churches; may the Lord gain more local saints to practice gospel preaching and home meetings every week.

Sri Lanka
Pray for the church registration to be approved by the Ministry of Religious Affairs.

祷告事项: 三月第一周

1. 为服事翻译的全时间圣徒同心合意来在一起,为着翻译工作被智慧和启示的灵充满代祷。
2. 为寮国圣徒有负担牧养新人,使新人得着合式的牧养而长大,并被带进召会生活代祷。

1. 为3/8-3/9举行的姊妹训练代祷。
2. 为柬埔寨众召会实行新路代祷,求主得着更多本地圣徒实行周周传福音和家聚会。


Source: http://lmasia.org/prayer-burden-weekly-pursuits/