主在亚洲的行动祷告负担(二〇一九年二月18日至二月24日) Lord’s Move to Asia Prayer Burdens (2019.2. 18– 2019.2.24)

Prayer Burdens – Week 3 of February

Prayer Burdens:

1. Pray for the national blending conference on 3/8-3/9 and may the Lord speak to His churches and strengthen His testimony in Nepal.
2. Pray for the practice of daily Bible reading in the church life that all the saints may spend time to enjoy God’s word and be constituted by the truth.

Sri Lanka
1. Pray for all the saints to set aside 2 hours weekly to participate in gospel preaching to contact gospel friends, seekers and backsliding ones, and in the home meetings to perfect the new ones to function.
2. Pray for the burden of obtaining 15 million Rupees and purchasing proper land within one year.

1. Pray for the 92000 translation project, the translation of the Life-study of Genesis volume 3 and 4, the HWMR and other ministry books.
2. Pray for the bimonthly blending meeting of all the saints in Yangon from meeting hall 1-7 starting from 2/10.

Pray for the new term of the Nazarite training beginning on 2/25.

祷告事项: 二月第三周

1. 为3/8-3/9的全国集调代祷,求主向祂的召会说话,加强祂在尼泊尔的见证。
2. 为召会生活中每日读经的实行代祷,求主使所有圣徒花时间享受神的话并被真理构成。

1. 为所有圣徒每周分别二小时有分于传福音,接触福音朋友、寻求者和退后的人,并参与家聚会成全新人尽功用代祷。
2. 为在一年内预备1500万卢比并购置合式土地代祷。

1. 为92000翻译计划以及创世记生命读经第3-4册、晨兴圣言及其他职事书报的翻译持续进行代祷。
2. 为2/10起每两个月全仰光七个会所圣徒的相调聚会代祷。


Source: http://lmasia.org/prayer-burden-weekly-pursuits/