Palo Alto, CA—Gospel Trip, Report 7 美国加利福尼亚州帕罗奥图 福音之旅,第七报导

Palo Alto, CA—Gospel Trip, Report 7

The saints in Palo Alto have continued steadfastly in the spreading of the good news in both the community and at Stanford. Thursday was the weekly Bible study and four brand new students came through the labor and contact from the previous week. Students shared their testimonies and were eager to hear from others’ experiences living for Christ. The subject was on Daniel and having a heart set on God, a subject which the students could really related to. In total, 15 students attended the Bible study.

Then, tonight at the Friday small group meeting, three Stanford students came for their first time! The time was sweet and mutual with saints sharing their experience eating the Word of God. The atmosphere was so warm and loving. We are just full of thanks to the Lord.

In the community, the saints have made many contacts, some of which are seeking believers. A policeman even came to the BfA table and thanked us for being there and giving away Bibles. We had some fellowship with him and even asked him to pray for us. Instead of walking away, he began to pray right there on the spot. It was truly a testimony to those around us as we shared a moment of prayer for the distributions all across the world.

Prayer Burdens:

  • Please continue to pray for the follow up of all these contacts. We do not want any to be lost.
  • Please also pray for the journey ahead and for the supplying of all the local saints to shepherd and care for the students at Stanford and the many contacted In the community so that they can be added to the church.

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