Edmond, OK—Gospel Trip, Report 1 美国俄克拉荷马州爱德蒙 福音之旅,第一报导

Edmond, OK—Gospel Trip, Report 1

This previous week the gospel team visited Edmond, OK. We were in Edmond from Wednesday, January 30, until this past Lord’s Day, February 2. We began our time in Edmond by enjoying the flowing Triune God in coordination and flowing out to the students at the University of Central Oklahoma (UCO) in our gospel outreach. We contacted a lot of students and prayed with one student to receive the Lord. We concluded our first evening with prayer in a home with all the saints. We felt like we really got blended in our prayer and the Lord’s will was released for the church in Edmond.

The following day we contacted a lot of students and invited them to our Bible Study in the afternoon and our Solid Ground ministry meeting. There were about six new students who came to our events. A lot of the UCO Christians on Campus students and local saints joined us and filled the atmosphere with Christ.

On Friday, we continued to contact more students. We had second appointments with four students. We shared our testimonies with the students and they were able to connect with a local brother Cochran in a good way. It’s very encouraging seeing these new ones being related with the local saints.

In the evening, we had six new students join us for a special dinner and fellowship in the Student Union on “Taking Christ as Our Identity.” The students were really impressed that their identity is in Christ and that the world shouldn’t strip that away from them. The way to resist the world is to turn to the Word, find a Christian community, and to speak for Christ. There was a new sister who enjoyed the fellowship so much that she changed her Sunday schedule to make it to the Lord’s Table in Oklahoma. Praise the Lord that our identity is in Christ!

We spent Saturday blending with the saints in Oklahoma City. We toured the Cowboy Museum and saw the sights in the Bricktown section of Oklahoma. In the evening the sisters went to the join the sisters’ outing, which is how to serve the Lord through prayer and by taking Christ as our real husband. The brothers went to the young people’s meeting and learned what it meant to be an inoculator according to 2 Timothy 2.

We concluded our trip in Edmond by going to OKC to join the saints from Tulsa, Norman, OKC, Edmond in a time of blending Lord’s Day morning. The saints invited new ones to the meeting and a student we met during the week joined us for the meeting. A sister shared her testimony during the meeting of how she met the saints and the brothers presented Matthew 15. We were all brought under the master’s table to enjoy Christ as the crumbs that reached even us. The new ones we invited really enjoyed the meeting.

Our time in Edmond and Oklahoma was so sweet. May the Lord bless Edmond with much remaining fruit!

The Lord’s fruit at UCO:

  • 80 students contacted
  • 10 New Testament Recovery versions given
  • 200 flyers distributed
  • 4 second appointments
  • 1 salvation

Prayer Burdens:

  • Please pray that the Lord would connect the new students with current students in Christians on Campus at UCO and the local saints in Edmond.
  • May the Lord continue to stir up a hunger for the word in these students and that they would keep coming to weekly Bible Study and solid ground meetings.
  • Please pray for the Lord’s operation in the students.

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Source: http://www.gtca.us/south-central/edmond/2019/02/06/edmond-ok-gospel-trip-report-1.html