Manassas, VA—Gospel Trip, Report 5 美国弗吉尼亚州马纳萨斯福音之旅,第五报导

Manassas, VA—Gospel Trip, Report 5

Today, we had the opportunity to participate in two wonderful gatherings. The first was a Community Bible Seminar & Luncheon organized by a brother who meets in Fairfax. Over the last year, this brother began to publish articles of the ministry in a local magazine, Lifestyle, that goes out to residences and local businesses in the towns of Haymarket and Gainesville, which are newly developed areas bordering Manassas. Through the monthly publishing of these articles, the brother was contacted by a local businessman’s Bible study group and began to meet with them on a weekly basis. The second to last issue of the magazine invited readers to attend a Bible Seminar and Luncheon, which happened today. There were more than 20 in attendance, including saints and those who were contacted through this publication and through the men’s study group. The topic for this seminar was “The Assurance, Security, and Joy of Salvation.” It was encouraging to be at this event and to see some of the “reaping” from the ministry. We were even able to speak & give Bibles to the staff who served our lunch! This was a new experience for us and we learned a lot from seeing the saints’ endeavor to reach people in new ways.

Tonight, we had dinner and a blending meeting with the young people from D.C., Northern Virginia, and Maryland at the meeting hall in Dunn Loring. After singing together, we each shared our testimony with the young people and their parents, then opened the time for questions regarding the training. May the Lord win the heart of each young person for His purpose!

Prayer Burdens:

  • For A’s baptism tomorrow. She is a GMU student contacted through the club.
  • That the Lord would gain more local Christians through the ministry publications and that some of them would be brought into the church life
  • For our distribution on Monday at the NOVA Manassas campus
  • That the NOVA students contacted would be free to attend our connect event on Tuesday, especially the three who came last Thursday

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