Fresno/Clovis, CA—Gospel Trip, Report 3 美国加州弗雷斯诺州立大学和克洛维社区学院福音之旅, 第三报导

Fresno/Clovis, CA—Gospel Trip, Report 3

Today was the first day we went out to the campuses. Many saints plus the team started with coordination and morning revival. Teams were divided into two teams for two campuses, Fresno State University and Clovis Community College.

Statistics for Fresno State University:
• Tracts passed out: 116 • Bibles: 40 English, 5 Spanish • Basic Elements of the Christian Life: 45 • BfA cards: 75 • Contacts received: 7 • Prayed to receive the Lord: 3

Statistics for Clovis Community College:
• Bibles: 15 English, 1 Spanish • Basic Elements of the Christian Life: 9 • Contacts received: 6 • Prayed to receive the Lord: 1

In Fresno State University there was this student who was approached by a sister and who offered her a Bible. The Bible was opened and explained to her. John 3:16 was mentioned, and they read the verse together. There was fellowship on receiving and believing. She felt that she never realized this and never heard that to believe you had to receive. She was also showed 1 Thessalonians 5:23 about how she can receive the Lord in her Spirit. The saints shared the illustration of the radio. which receives the radio waves. The Lord is the Spirit and when you receive Him, He enters into you. Right after, she received the Lord and they ended the prayer by saying thank You Lord for coming into me, I receive You right now. Come into me and fill me with peace.

In Clovis Community College there was a student who was interested in the Bible, and when the saints asked her if she knew about the Bible and she said very little. A sister led her to the story about Nicodemus, about entering into the womb of the mother. They fellowshipped about the Spirit, the mystery of human life, and death and sin. She was told that she was a vessel and God wanted to enter into her. She was asked that if she knew who God was when He entered into the earth, and she said no. She was told that His name was Jesus. He came to earth, needed to die to become the Life-giving Spirit to enter into her, and that she needed to pray to receive Him. She was impressed and prayed to receive the Lord.

Prayer Burdens:

  • That the Lord would release a room at Clovis Community College for a seminar and a room for Bible study
  • The seminar, Tuesday and Wednesday at Fresno State University
  • That the Lord would gain 5 remaining fruit from the time today on both campuses
  • That the 4 that received the Lord would have come to the seminars on campus this week

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