主在亚洲的行动祷告负担(二〇一九年一月7日至一月13日) Lord’s Move to Asia Prayer Burdens (2019.1.7 – 2019.1.13)

Prayer Burdens  – Week 1 of January

Prayer Burdens:

Pray for the propagation coordinated by the college students from Taichung from 1/21-1/28 to gain a group of young people to love the Lord and strengthen the testimony of the Lord in Laos.

1. Pray for the saints to participate in the prayer and service fellowship meetings and may all the saints receive the burden to come to the meetings and practice the organic shepherding in the church life for the building up of the Body of Christ.
2. Pray for more saints to build up a habit of daily Bible reading and gain more life and light in His words.

1. Pray for the Responsible Brothers’ Training in Chennai from 1/26-1/27, that the brothers can be perfected through His speaking to propagate the resurrected, ascended and all-inclusive Christ as the development of the kingdom of God.
2. Pray for the Training for Full Time Serving Ones in Chennai from 1/28-1/30, that the Lord can grant all the serving ones a spirit of wisdom and revelation to know and see the Body and have a living and service in and for the building up of the Body.

Pray for visiting the serving ones and students in Kulna, Jessore and Chittagong; may the Lord raise up more seeking ones to bear the testimony of the church.

祷告事项: 一月第一周


1. 为圣徒参加祷告与事奉交通聚会代祷,求主使所有圣徒接受负担参加聚会,并在召会生活中实行生机的牧养,以建造基督的身体。
2. 为更多圣徒建立每日读经的习惯,在主的话中得着更多生命与亮光代祷。

1. 为1/26-1/27在清奈举行的负责弟兄训练,弟兄们借着主的说话得成全,繁殖复活、升天、包罗万有的基督作神国的发展代祷。
2. 为1/28-1/30在清奈举行的全时间服事者训练代祷,求主赐给所有服事者智慧和启示的灵,认识并看见身体,并有一种在身体的建造里并为着身体建造的生活和事奉。


Source: http://lmasia.org/prayer-burden-weekly-pursuits/