主在亚洲的行动祷告负担(二〇一八年十二月24日至十二月30日) Lord’s Move to Asia Prayer Burdens (2018.12.24 – 2018.12.30 )

Prayer Burdens – Week 4 of December

Prayer Burdens:

Pray for the winter training in four localities that there will be a breakthrough in the Lord’s work in this country.

1. Pray for the National Blending Conference from 12/29-30 in Hochiminh city.
2. Pray for the Sisters’ Training from 12/31-1/1, 2019 in Hochiminh city.

1. Pray for the service of the children’s work that children can be perfected in their character and know the Bible in their childhood; may the Lord strengthen all the serving ones in their fellowship and preparation of the materials for the children’s service.
2. Pray for all the serving ones that the Lord may grant them sufficient grace in their occupations, living, service and health; may His lovers show strength and take action in one accord.

1. Pray for the FTTY trainees to consecrate themselves for the Lord’s Move in Myanmar.
2. Pray for the continuing of translation works for the Life-study of the Bible.

祷告事项: 十二月第四周


1. 为12/29-12/30在胡志明市举行的全国集调代祷。
2. 为12/31-1/1在胡志明市举行的姊妹训练代祷。

1. 为儿童工作的服事使孩子们性格得成全,在年幼时就认识圣经代祷;求主加强所有服事者为着儿童服事的交通和材料预备。
2. 为主在所有服事者的职业、生活、服事和健康上赐够用的恩典代祷;愿爱祂的人在同心合意里刚强行事。

1. 为全时间学员为着主在缅甸的行动奉献自己代祷。
2. 为缅文生命读经的翻译工作继续进行代祷。

Source: http://lmasia.org/prayer-burden-weekly-pursuits/