主在亚洲的行动祷告负担(二〇一八年十二月17日至十二月23日) Lord’s Move to Asia Prayer Burdens (2018.12.17 – 2018.12.23 )

Prayer Burdens – Week 3 of December

Prayer Burdens:

1. Pray for the 6 key families in Dhaka and 5 key families in Chittagong to be strengthened by the pray-reading in the home meetings, that the Lord’s word will no longer be religious word, but living, applicable and experiential and that they can be constituted by the Lord’s word.
2. Pray for the strengthening of the church in Savar, that the church will be expanded in terms of number, truth, and life.

1. Pray for the Lord‘s move in Turkey and may the Lord gain and perfect more useful vessels for His testimony.
2. Pray for the new year blending meeting at the end of December and may the Lord separate the time of the saints and blend the saints together.

Pray for the national blending meeting from 12/22-12/23, so that the saints will be strengthened by the blending and see the vision of the Body of Christ.

Sri Lanka
Pray for the Regional Blending Conference on 12/22 in Gampaha, on 12/28-12/30 in Kurunegala and Tricomalee, so that all the saints will be blended into one Body.

祷告事项: 十二月第三周

1. 为达喀尔6个关键的家与吉大港5个关键的家,藉家聚会的祷读得加强,使主的话对他们不再是宗教字句,而是活而可应用、可经历的,并使他们被主的话构成代祷。
2. 为萨瓦召会得加强代祷,求主使召会在人数、真理和生命上扩长。

1. 为主在土耳其的行动代祷,求主为着祂的见证,得着并成全更多有用的器皿。
2. 为十二月底的新年相调聚会代祷,求主分别圣徒们的时间并将圣徒们调在一起。



Source: http://lmasia.org/prayer-burden-weekly-pursuits/