【 刘遂「敬拜父诗歌 第20首《深哉、富哉,你的智慧》】花莲市召会(日间班)“Hymn on Worship of the Father-How Deep and Rich Thy Wisdom Is” Spoken by Liu Suey | The Church in Hualien City (Day-time Perfecting Class) 已发表 2018-11-20 【詩歌應用於擘餅聚會】2018.11.15 花蓮市召會(日間班) Source: https://youtu.be/itPOLtJLTYA
已发表 2019-07-10 Two New Songs for the North America College Training | Melody of Lilies 来自北美大专训练的两首新诗歌 | 百合花的旋律 Melody of Lilies | Chr […]
已发表 2019-08-22 【刘遂「《主的恢复与主的复兴》—分享在马尼拉『2019健康新生活』的交通 」】【「The Lord’s Recovery and the Lord’s Restoring」Sharing the Fellowship of「2019 Healthy New Life」in Manila】Spoken by Liu Suey Source: https://youtu. […]