主在亚洲的行动祷告负担(二〇一八年十月22日至十月28日) Lord’s Move to Asia Prayer Burdens (2018.10.22-2018.10.28)

Prayer Burdens – Week 3 of October

Prayer Burdens:

1. Pray for the brothers in Lahore to be released from their work and be constituted with the divine truth through PSRP-pray-reading, study, reciting and prophesying.
2. Pray for the national conference in November and that the Lord would bless all the arrangements, including the meeting place and the editing of the message outlines, and release more seeking ones to join the meeting.

1. Pray for the 41 trainees in the FTTND that the Lord will train and perfect each trainee in truth, life, service and character, and will cover their entire tripartite beings throughout the entire course of their training.
2. Pray for the gospel move in the new cities in the northern states of Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand, that the Lord can raise up His testimony in the major cities through the spreading of the ministry and the shepherding of these new ones and the seeking ones.

Pray for Rhema distribution that more seekers would be brought to the Lord’s Recovery; also pray for the local distributor brother and may the Lord cover him and his service.

祷告事项: 十月第三周

1. 为拉合尔的弟兄们从工作中得释放并借着祷研背讲被神圣的真理构成代祷。
2. 为十一月全国集调代祷,求主祝福所有的安排,包括聚会场地、信息纲要的编辑,并释放更多寻求者参加聚会。

1. 为参加新德里全时间训练的41位学员代祷,求主在真理、生命、事奉和性格上训练并成全每一位,并在整个训练过程中遮盖他们全人三部分。
2. 为北部恰蒂斯加尔邦和贾坎德邦新城市的福音行动代祷,求主藉由扩展职事以及牧养新人和寻求者,在主要城市兴起祂的见证。


Source: http://lmasia.org/prayer-burden-weekly-pursuits/