Current Prayer Burdens Related to Europe and Report on the First Lord’s Table in Munich, Germany 欧洲当前祷告负担及德国慕尼黑首次擘饼聚会报导


Burdens related to Europe (week of 14 October 2018)

1) Report on the first Lord’s table in Munich, Germany (see next page)
2) European Brothers’ Training (16-18 October) and International Blending Conference (19-21
October) in Baarlo, Netherlands
3) One-week trainings at Bower House, London (29 Oct – 24 Nov)
4) Autumn university conference in Oswestry, UK (2-4 November)
5) Balkan regional conference in Tirana, Albania (2-4 November)
6) Iberian Peninsula conference in Malaga, Spain (14-16 December)
Information can be found at
7) The Lord’s move in Germany
Please continue to pray for:
• The care of the existing students and the gaining of new ones at the beginning of the academic year in the universities
• An adequate meeting hall for the church in Berlin to be found in the best location, at an affordable price, and readily accessible to public transportation
• The raising up of lampstands in Hamburg, Bremen, Göttingen, Aachen, Cologne, Bielefeld, Bochum, Darmstadt, Heidelberg, Mainz, Gießen, Limburg, Tübingen, Karlsruhe, Freiburg, Kassel, Leipzig, and Dresden
• The continued sowing of the German New Testament Recovery Version and the reaping of the 30,000+ recipients who were contacted since October 2017
• The Lord to send more experienced brothers who can provide leadership to the work in Germany
• The emigrating saints to obtain visas, find jobs and housing, and learn the German language
An application for those who are led by the Lord to emigrate for the Lord’s move can be downloaded by clicking on Application at Gifts to support the Lord’s move in Germany should be given to LME and designated “European Gospel Work.” For instructions click on Offerings on the home page of the LME website.
8) UK Building Project (London)
Those who wish to give through LME for the training facility at Woodland Camp can find instructions
at Designate offerings for “UK Building Project.” More information
on the UK building project can be found at
9) Printing and distribution of Bibles for Europe
Donations for future printings should be given directly to LSM and designated “Printing Bibles for Europe.” Click on Information at the top of, and then on the link How to Give.
Donations for the distribution of Bibles in Europe can be given to LME (click on Offerings on the home page of the LME website ) and designated “Distribution of Bibles in Europe.”
10) Radio broadcasts in the UK and Spain, continuing distribution of the Recovery Version and ministry publications in the European languages, and shepherding of seeking ones
11) The raising up of the Lord’s testimony in major cities in Europe, including Lisbon, Portugal; Vienna, Austria; Sofia, Bulgaria; Thessaloniki, Greece; Zagreb, Croatia; Belgrade and Novi Sad, Serbia; Geneva and Zurich, Switzerland; Bilbao, Spain; Hamburg, Germany; Amsterdam and Rotterdam, the Netherlands; and Tirana, Albania.

Burdens related to Israel
To receive prayer requests for Israel, please write to and ask the brothers to add you to the mailing list. Please include your name and locality. Please note that this
is a change.

Report on the First Lord’s Table in Munich, Germany

Lord’s Day, October 14, marked the first Lord’s table for the church in Munich, Germany. It was a momentous gathering with 411 adults and 58 children. The expected attendance was between 250 – 300 adults, but many saints decided even the day before to come to be a part of this celebration of what the Lord has done, is doing, and will do in Germany and on the European continent. Saints came from 14 different countries, including the Far East, North, Central, and South America, Australasia, and Europe. Some saints, coming from thousands of miles away, testified that they had been praying for a lampstand in Munich for more than 20 years and felt compelled to be part of this time.

Saints gathered at 12:00 noon at the Holiday Inn City Centre for refreshments and fellowship. The meeting started at 1:00 and concluded at 3:30. Then all the saints enjoyed a love feast together catered by the hotel, and they lingered till 5:30 pm. The atmosphere during the entire 5 1/2 hours was sweet and joyous beyond words. A presentation of the history of the Lord’s move in Munich by the local saints, and testimonies of some of the newly gained German young people and college students, were the highlights, following a marvelous remembrance of the Lord Jesus and genuine worship of the Father during the table portion of the meeting.

The saints in Munich would like to express their deep and heart-felt appreciation for all the support of the whole Body, especially the prayers that have been poured out by countless saints and churches over whole earth during the past months. We have the absolute assurance that this is a church brought forth from the Head, by the Spirit, in and through the Body.

Jesus is Lord, and Christ is Victor in München!
