主在亚洲的行动祷告负担(二〇一八年十月15日至十月21日) Lord’s Move to Asia Prayer Burdens (2018.10.15-2018.10.21)

Prayer Burdens  – Week 1 of October

Prayer Burdens:

1. Pray for the gospel preaching in Manmansing, Sylet, Ruma and Rama area; also pray for the six main families and the young people that through proper shepherding they would know the ground of the church and be perfected to function in the church life.
2. Pray for the translation work of the Gospel Bookroom and for the saints serving in translation to be strengthened that the Lord’s word may grow mightily and prevail.

1. Pray for the 76 FTTY trainees (40 brothers and 36 sisters) to grow in life and be gained by the Lord.
2. Pray for the ongoing printing of the Recovery Version of the Holy Bible.

Pray for the new district meeting in the Asia side of Istanbul and more saints to be raised up to serve together; also pray for the concurrent children’s meeting and may the Lord strengthen the serving saints and bless these children.

祷告事项: 十月第一周

1. 为Manmansing、锡尔赫特市、鲁玛、拉玛的福音行动代祷;也为六个主要的家和青年人藉由合式的牧养,认识召会的立场,并得成全在召会中尽功用代祷。
2. 为福音书房的翻译工作,以及服事翻译的圣徒们得加强,使主的话强有力的扩长,而且得胜代祷。

1. 为76位全时间训练学员在生命里长大并被主得着代祷。
2. 为正在进行的圣经恢复本印刷代祷。


Source: http://lmasia.org/prayer-burden-weekly-pursuits/