主在亚洲的行动祷告负担(二〇一八年九月30日至十月6日) Lord’s Move to Asia Prayer Burdens (2018.9.30-2018.10.6)

Prayer Burdens – Week 5 of September

Prayer Burdens:

1. Pray for the translation of the Recovery Version of the Holy Bible and the Holy Word for Morning Revivals into Lao. May the Lord cover and strengthen all the translators and add more manpower.
2. Pray for more saints who have a heart to serve to be raised up and coordinate together in one accord in Laos.

1. Pray for the responsible brothers training from 11/9–11/11.
2. Pray for the translation work of the Recovery Version of the New Testament into Khmer.

Sri Lanka
Pray for the visa application of 2 local saints for attending the LMA conference from 10/24-10/26.

祷告事项: 九月第五周

1. 为老挝语圣经恢复本和晨兴圣言的翻译代祷。求主遮盖并加强所有服事翻译的圣徒,并增加翻译的人力。
2. 为主在寮国兴起更多有心服事的弟兄姊妹,同心合意配搭一起代祷。

1. 为11/9-11/11举行的负责弟兄训练代祷。
2. 为高棉语新约圣经恢复本的翻译代祷。


Source: http://lmasia.org/prayer-burden-weekly-pursuits/