主在亚洲的行动祷告负担(二〇一八年九月10日至九月16日) Lord’s Move to Asia Prayer Burdens (2018.9.10- 2018.9.16)

Prayer Burdens  – Week 2 of September

Prayer Burdens:

Pray for the 25 affected families in the churches in Kerala after the flood; pray also for the advancement of the churches in Kerala.

1. Pray for the respeaking of the Memorial Day Conference messages in the regions of Vietnam to usher in the practical existence of the one new man and cause the churches to stand firm in this spiritual warfare.
2. Pray for the young people to see the Lord’s move and work in Northern Vietnam and consecrate themselves to participate in this move.

1. Pray for the newly started meeting on Asia side of Istanbul and may the Lord release the time and spirit of the saints, anoint the meeting, and gain more people through this meeting.
2. Pray for the Christians and gospel contacts under shepherding; may the Lord give them the thirst for His word and subjective experiences of His life.

祷告事项: 九月第二周


1. 为弟兄们在越南各大区重述国殇节信息,带进一个新人实际的出现,并使众召会在这属灵的争战中站立得住代祷。
2. 为青年人看见主在北越的行动与工作,奉献自己有份这行动代祷。

1. 为正在接受牧养的基督徒及福音朋友代祷,使他们对主的话有渴慕并对主的生命有主观的经历。
2. 为伊斯坦堡亚洲区新开始的聚会代祷,求主释放弟兄姊妹的时间和灵,膏抹这聚会,也藉此得着更多的人。

Source: http://lmasia.org/prayer-burden-weekly-pursuits/