Update Europe Report – Italy 9/7/18 欧洲更新报导—意大利(2018.9.7)

Prayer burdens from Milan, Italy on September 7, 2018 : 

1. Please pray for the video training of the Crystallization study of Leviticus (2) on September 7-9. 
2.  Thank you Lord for releasing visas for a serving couple in Milan. Please continue to pray for finding of an apartment in Milan for His economy.
3. At lease 6 college-age young people will join a gospel fellowship in Milan and some local saints are participating by opening their homes, praying and joining the gospel time from September 12 to 19. Please pray for the enjoyment and rich supply during this week. 
4. Please pray for the local brothers training and fellowship in Prato, Italy on September 22-23. 
5. Please pray for the young people in Italy to enjoy to be fruitful branches. 
2 Cori. 12: 9a And He has said to me, My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is perfected in weakness.
Revelation 3:8 I know your works; behold, I have put before you an opened door which no one can shut, because you have a little power and have kept Myword and have not denied My name.