【哥汉市召会圣徒之福音见证系列】—第三期:见证12 『题目:“主,加强我”!』Saints’ Gospel Testimony in the Church of Kota Samarahan — Lord! Please Strengthen Me!

『题目:Lord! Please strengthen me!』

A lot of times, in my school, I felt very tired. Most of the times, when the semester is ending, there will be lots of assignments piling up. And usually the due date of those assignments will always be at the same period. Besides, there is also church services that need to be handled. Thus, sometimes, I feel that I cannot cope with so many things coming at me at once. I really do not know what to do. One time, I need to pass up my Final Year Project (FYP) proposal. I spend a lot of time to do it but I still cannot finish it so I have to wake up early in the morning when everyone is asleep to finish it. Before that, I was so worried so I just prayed to the Lord and ask the Lord to give me strength. Praise the Lord! In Him, I managed to finish my FYP at just at the right time. A lot of this kind of situation happened to me but when I just surrender myself and turn to the Lord, I felt strengthened from within.

源自: 黄弟兄

Source: https://www.facebook.com/TheChurchInKS/photos/a.398890330178717/1827457737321962/?type=3&theater