Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
“The counsel of Jehovah stands forever; The intentions of His heart stand from generation to generation.”Psalm 33:11News Highlights1 – Summer Training. What used to be a month-long summer training over at Murree Hills has now been shortened to 2 weeks and has been divided into 3 short trainings for 3 different groups of saints.a) The first one was for high school and college students (16 – 25 years) which took place on July 1 – 5. There were 26 students who enjoyed the messages from the Genesis Crystallization-Study. The focus was on character, education and marriage.b) The second one was for the new ones which lasted for one week, from July 5-12.There were 42 new ones ( 13 years old and up). The messages were taken from the Morning Revival for New Believers.c) The last training was for the serving ones on July 12-15. There were 19 saints that enjoyed the messages from the 2018 ITERO Spring Conference which was on “Service for the Building Up of the Church.”
2 – The schedule for the different church activities (in 2 separate districts) has been slightly revised (statistics included):Lord’s Day Meeting/Prophesying Meeting/Children’s meeting at the 2 meeting halls. Around 65-70 saints attend the Lord’s Table /Prophesying Meetings and for the children’s meetings, there are around 12-15 children in Dist 1 and around 20 children in Dist 2.Monday – There are around eleven (11) sisters in one community in Dist 1 that attend the Sisters’ Meeting.
Combined Brothers’ Coordination Mtg. (from 2 districts). There are around 12-13 brothers who are in attendance.Tuesday – Prayer meeting at 7:30 pm. A total of 30-35 saints attend the 2 prayer meetings.
Wednesday – There is a group meeting in each of the 3 communities. A total of around 45 saints are in attendance.
Thursday – Around 12-15 saints in Dist 1 go for Gospel Preaching. They go to any Christian community in Islamabad where the Lord leads them.Friday – Sisters’ Meeting in District 2 and in the other district 1 community. However, the Dist 1 Sisters’ mtg is currently cancelled for very low attendance because most of the sisters there have small children.Saturday morning – Half-day training for the saints from both districts. Around 25 saints attend that.Saturday evening – Youth Meetings in both districts. There are around 7 youth in one community that usually attend the dist 1 youth meeting but since last weekend 4 new young people (and 2 more are joining) from the other community joined. There are eleven (11) young people that attend in Dist 2.The older saints in Dist 2, around 8-10 of them, mostly brothers, go for gospel preaching.3 – District 1 Meeting hall has been moved to the other Dist 1 community. There were a few reasons why we moved, but the main reason was another church meeting went on simultaneously with our meeting on Lord’s Day, and they use loud speakers so there was a lot of disturbance.4 – Two-Day Training. Last Wednesday and Thursday, on Aug 22 & 23,we had 2 days training on “The Kingdom of God” . We took advantage of the weeklong holiday here in Pakistan during which the Muslims sacrificed animals in their homes.5 – A new Hymn Book containing over 500 hymns will be printed soon for all the saints’ use in Pakistan.6 – Almost all of the Chinese-speaking saints in the different localities here are now working in the private sector – banks, tools business, teaching Chinese in the universities, etc. but at the same time they also serve in the evenings and on weekends.PRAYER BURDENSPlease pray for:1. Saints to be in one accord and growing in life.2. The Chinese-speaking saints’ safety and valid status in Pakistan.3. Continued increase of new ones.“Hallelujah for the Body!
We are members of the Body!We are wholly for the BodyHallelujah, for the Lord has made us one!!”Amen!!!In His Most Holy Name,Raj and Meldy Bhatti