The Sharing of a Sister from Her Top Enjoyment in the 2018 European Young People’s Conference in Poland 一位姊妹分享她在2018波兰欧洲青年特会上最高的享受

But the Young People Found Grace in the Eyes of the Lord
to Turn the Age! (2018 EYPC Poland)

BUT Noah found grace - BUT the young people today found grace! (2018 EYPC Poland)This was my first time at the EYPC Poland conference, and it was so unbelievably wonderful to see young people from all over the world just loving the Lord so much.

There were young people from 6 continents and 45 countries there this year, and I was so blown away to see young people with so many languages and cultures all pursuing the Lord.

I don’t think the Lord’s move has ever been as real to me as it was in Poland, where I realized that I could be – and the young people today could be one – of the age turners for the Lord’s return.

The topic of this conference was the Life and Work that Changed the Age, and the focus was on Noah.

The brothers showed us a parallel between the age of Noah and the age today, which was very eye-opening to me. Though the age was so fallen, praise the Lord, in Genesis 6:8 it says that,

BUT Noah found grace!

I enjoyed that Noah wasn’t a super-Christian or anyone special – he was just like us today. But he believed in the Lord and trusted in Him, and because of that, God could use him to close the age.

We need to be like Noah today, trusting the Lord helplessly, loving Him endlessly, so we can say,

BUT the young people today found grace!

I also really enjoyed the point on how Noah walked with God. He was always with God, and he learned this from his forefathers, such as Enoch, who walked with God.

Likewise, we need to learn from the brothers and sisters before us. The brother told us that he doesn’t refer to us as church-kids anymore, but he calls us a “glorious inheritance”, because we have a glorious inheritance of the gospel.

When we walk with God, He gives us grace, and He will be our strength. Because no matter how strong we are, we can’t stand alone against this age, we need the Lord to be with us as our strength.

I was so impressed with the point that the Bible is a romance, and the church life is just a matter of love. The question is,

Will we love the world, or will we love the Lord? Will we give ourselves to love the Lord? Will we be those who pay the price?

Yes! We need to be those crazy lovers of Jesus, those who are the ark builders today.

My companion, a dear sister, wrote this sweet song this week,

Lord here I am! just as I am! Tossed from the tides of this age. Don’t need to be given good things, but how much I need your grace. Supply me, re-sensitize me, til your presence I would be, living my whole life, for you Lord, for eternity.

Sharing by Lillian C. (Ohio, USA) from her top enjoyment in the 2018 European Young People’s Conference in Poland (2018 EYPC Poland). If you were there and you want to share what you enjoyed the most, send in your testimony at