Welcome BBQ with Students| Christians on Campus at UC Berkeley, California 欢迎学生的BBQ | 加州大学伯克利分校校园基督徒

图片中可能有:3 位用户、微笑的用户、一群人在吃东西、一群人坐着和食物

图片中可能有:3 位用户、微笑的用户、一群人在吃东西、一群人坐着和食物

图片中可能有:4 位用户、微笑的用户、一群人站着

图片中可能有:3 位用户、微笑的用户、一群人站着和户外

图片中可能有:3 位用户、微笑的用户、一群人在散步和户外

图片中可能有:3 位用户、微笑的用户、一群人在吃东西、一群人坐着和户外

图片中可能有:6 位用户、微笑的用户、一群人站着和户外

Thanks to all who made it to our welcome BBQ yesterday! 😋 We had a great time with great food and great people. We also had some helpful speaking regarding how to thrive as a Christian during our college years. Two specific things that were mentioned are the Bible and companions for our Christian walk! Here at Christians on Campus, we not only delve into the word during the school year, but many of us become solid companions for the rest of our Christian lives. We hope that with us, you’ll thrive as well, and have many an opportunity to get into His word and establish connections that will give you lifelong companions 🤗

For those who couldn’t make it, there are more events and activities these coming days! For more information, check out our website (link in bio)! Simply click “start here” 🙌🏻 Hope to see y’all at the rest of our events this week! @ Berkeley, California

Source: https://web.facebook.com/UCB.Christians/photos/pcb.2215979955097043/2215979465097092/?type=3&theater