主在亚洲的行动祷告负担(二〇一八年七月30日至八月5日) Lord’s Move to Asia Prayer Burdens (2018.7.30- 2018.8.5)

Prayer Burdens  – Week 5 of July

Prayer Burdens:

1. Pray for the burden of shepherding and may the Lord gain more saints to practice the home meetings.
2. Pray for the propagation in Ta Khmau.

Sri Lanka
1. Pray for the new ones in Colombo district 3 to receive further shepherding and become remaining fruit.
2. Pray for the follow-up shepherding of the campus propagation in Jaffna, Kurunegala, Kandy, Gampaha and Colombo.

1. Pray for more golden lampstands to be raised up as the Lord’s testimony in every state and every region.
2. Pray for the building of the FTTY brothers’ dormitory and the fence around the campus.

祷告事项: 七月第五周

1. 为牧养的负担代祷,求主得着更多圣徒实行家聚会。
2. 为大金瓯的开展代祷。

1. 为科伦坡第三区的新人接受进一步的牧养,并成为常存的果子代祷。
2. 在贾夫纳、库鲁内格勒、康提、加姆珀哈和科伦坡校园开展的后续牧养代祷。

1. 为各州与各区域有更多金灯台兴起作主的见证代祷。
2. 为全时间训练中心弟兄宿舍与园区围墙的兴建代祷。

Source: http://lmasia.org/prayer-burden-weekly-pursuits/