主在亚洲的行动祷告负担(二〇一八年七月23日至七月29日) Lord’s Move to Asia Prayer Burdens (2018.7.23- 2018.7.29)

Prayer Burdens  – Week 4 of July

Prayer Burdens:

1. Pray for the establishing of the prayer and service fellowship meetings in the churches in Nepal and may the Lord stir up all the saints to participate in the meetings to cooperate with His heavenly ministry.
2. Pray for the practice of organic shepherding in the homes so that all the saints may pick up the burden to function on shepherding the new ones.

1. Pray for the saints who participated in the national trainings to burn the saints in their localities that the churches may receive abundant blessings.
2. Pray for the propagation in Karachi that at least 15 saints can go to preach the gospel and may the Lord release the seeking families for His church and raise up more saints to have home meetings with the new ones.

Pray that the saints can have a genuine breakthrough in the experience of life in the matter of financial offering for the Land Purchasing Project in Chennai by living in resurrection to overcome material possessions; also pray that the Lord can meet all the needs within the next 2 months.

祷告事项: 七月第四周

1. 为尼泊尔众召会建立祷告与事奉交通聚会代祷,求主挑旺所有圣徒有分于这样的聚会,与祂天上的职事配合。
2. 为实行家中生机牧养代祷,求主使所有圣徒拿起负担,尽功用牧养新人。

1. 为参加过全国训练的圣徒能焚烧他们所在地的圣徒,使众召会领受丰盛的祝福代祷。
2. 为卡拉奇的开展代祷,求主得着至少15位圣徒外出传福音,并释放寻求的家为着祂的召会,且兴起圣徒们与新人家聚会。


Source: http://lmasia.org/prayer-burden-weekly-pursuits/