College Training in Oak Glen, CA | Oak Glen Christian Conference Center 加州Oak Glen大专训练| Oak Glen基督徒特会中心

“The college training was incredible, both in having fellowship with other college-aged believers and in hearing more of God’s speaking! One of the highlights for me was a speaking on having a pure heart. Matthew 5:8 says ‘Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.’ A pure heart is a heart that only has one goal and aim: Christ Himself. It was a very enlightening message as it showed me how I have so many other pursuits within my heart, whether it’s my future, my career, or even my daily necessities. These all distract us from God who should be our only goal. May we seek first His kingdom and also give ourselves wholly to love Him uniquely, with our first and best love!” — Philip L. #ANewHeart18 #cocucb 🌾
