主在亚洲的行动祷告负担(二〇一八年七月18日至七月22日) Lord’s Move to Asia Prayer Burdens (2018.7.18 2018.7.22)

Prayer Burdens  – Week 3 of July

Prayer Burdens:

1. Pray for the 17 families who have home meetings with the saints. May the Lord release them from religion and the imprisonment and usurpation of religious regulation to enjoy the Lord freely, to understand the Lord’s words thoroughly, to follow the Lord and to reject the religion firmly, and to enter into the flow of the Lord’s recovery.
2. Pray for the saints to be strengthened to set aside definite times for door-knocking to gain the new ones.

1. Pray for the Christians and gospel contacts under shepherding. May the Lord give them the thirst for His word and subjective experiences of His life.
2. Pray for the following twelve important cities and may the Lord open the door for His gospel and establish His testimony among them: Adana, Ankara, Antakya, Antalya, Bursa, Diyarbakır, Gaziantep, Izmir, Kayseri, Konya, Şanlıurfa, Trabzon.

1. Pray for the translators of the Holy Word for Morning Revival, the Life-studies of the Bible and other spiritual books to have a spirit of wisdom and revelation.
2. Pray for the distribution of the Bible in 17 regions to spread the truth to the entire Myanmar.

祷告事项: 七月第三周

1. 为十七个有家聚会的家代祷,求主释放他们脱离宗教和宗教规条的监禁与霸占,得以自由的享受主,透彻认识主的话,坚定跟随主以拒绝宗教,并进入主恢复的流。
2. 为圣徒们得加强而分别时间叩门以得着新人代祷。

1. 请为正在接触的基督徒及福音朋友祷告,使他们对主的话有渴慕并对主的生命有主观的经历。
2. 为以下十二个重要城市祷告,求主在其中打开福音的门,兴起祂的见证:阿达纳、安卡拉、安塔基亚、安塔利亚、布尔萨、迪亚巴克尔、加济安泰普、伊兹密尔、开塞利、科尼亚、特拉布宗、尚勒乌尔法。

1. 为服事晨兴圣言、生命读经和属灵书报翻译的圣徒有智慧和启示的灵代祷。
2. 为在17个区域推广圣经以将真理传遍全缅甸代祷。

Source: http://lmasia.org/prayer-burden-weekly-pursuits/