主在亚洲的行动祷告负担(二〇一八年七月9日至七月15日) Lord’s Move to Asia Prayer Burdens (2018.7.9 2018.7.15)

Prayer Burdens – Week 2 of July

Prayer Burdens:

1. Pray for more saints in Laos to participate in the International Blending Conference in Thailand from 8/11-12.
2. Pray for the printing, publishing and distribution of seven Rhema books in Laos.

1. Pray for the Young People’s Conference in Hochiminh city from July 19-22 and may the Lord give the young ones a clear vision and capture them.
2. Pray for a 6-week propagation in Hanoi, Dalat and Vung Tau from July 2 – August 10 and may the Lord preserve the trainees and gain more people for His kingdom.

1. Pray for 67 churches with over 3000 saints to grow more in the divine life and be blended more into the Body of Christ.
2. Pray for 138 serving ones to serve the saints and the ministry as bondslaves for the Lord’s move in this age.

祷告事项: 七月第二周

1. 为更多寮国圣徒参加8月11-12日的泰国国际相调特会代祷。
2. 为七本雷玛书报在寮国的印刷、出版及推广代祷。

1. 为7/19-22在胡志明市举行的青少年特会代祷,求主使少年圣徒有清楚的异象并抓住他们。
2. 为7/2-8/10在河内、大勒和头顿市的六周开展代祷,求主保守学员们,并为着祂的国度得着更多的人。

1. 为67处召会与超过3000位圣徒更多在神圣生命里长大,并调进基督的身体代祷。
2. 为138位服事者在主今时代的行动中作奴仆,服事圣徒并服事这分职事代祷。

Source: http://lmasia.org/prayer-burden-weekly-pursuits/